Prime Urban North America Inc

Prime Urban USA is operating from Chandler, Arizona. Its principal place of business is located at 158 S. Kyrene Rd, Chandler, Arizona 85226. the company was registered on May 26, 2020 in the state of Arizona, as the name of the Corporation changed from Medivant Healthcare, Inc, to Prime Urban North America, Inc.

The purpose of establishing Prime Urban USA was to provide project management, marketing, and manufacturing and operation management services in the U.S. to expand the foreign company’s business and market presence and to increase brand visibility on a global scale. The company will achieve this by conducting research and analysis that will focus on each client’s specific industry requirements and then matching the right local talent for the project. it will engage only complete experts with years of previous experience in each field in order to deliver the promised quality of services. Prime Urban USA will employ a personalized approach and use various economic instruments to create effective strategic plan and marketing campaigns. The company will target the Phoenix metropolitan area in year 1 and expand out to the entire state of Arizona in year 2. in year 3, the company will start targeting other western U.S. states, such as Nevada and California. In year 4 and 5, the company will target all western U.S. states.

Having a strong parent company that is able to invest fund and transfer knowledge and business experience to the U.S. company will certainly be one of the greatest competitive advantages of Prime Urban USA. It will receive strong financial support from our parent company through the next five years, especially during the company’s early market development phase. This structural and financial support will strengthen Prime Urban’s probabilities of success in the newly entered market.